Personal projects

Over the years, I’ve been working on a variety of personal projects. These materials were created for two main reasons. Firstly, as a researcher, it can be challenging to find time to learn new skills. Secondly, I believe that what I’ve learned along the way can benefit others in the community. In this section, you’ll find a collection of materials and projects that started as educational resources for myself. It may seem like a random assortment, but I hope you find something useful or interesting.

R package Subscale Explorer

During my early years in R, when many things were still uncharted territory, I took the plunge and developed my first package of functions to streamline psychometric data analysis. The package eventually became available for download on GitHub, and despite not receiving updates for years, it continues to function effectively.

The package offers convenient ways to analyze frequencies of large item sets, basic graphics, and, in my opinion, its standout functionality lies in conducting missing value description and providing an initial assessment of potential multilevel effects.

Maps of Catalonia using basic health areas, health regions, and municipalities.

This project emerged during my freelance work and collaboration on projects for the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Quite often, my colleagues needed to create frequency maps using health areas, municipalities, or health regions. This presented an opportunity for me to learn and explore the functionality of the Shiny tool. Although the documentation is in Catalan, the tool itself is highly intuitive and user-friendly.

Tidytuesday and datosdemiércoles

There was a time when I wanted to learn and explore various functionalities of ggplot. During that period, I got involved in two similar projects: TidyTuesday and DatosDeMiercoles. In my GitHub repository, you can find all the relevant documents related to these projects.

Ariadna Angulo-Brunet
Ariadna Angulo-Brunet

My research interests are focused on psychometrics in various fields, specifically in audiovisual communication, attitudes towards LGBTI individuals, and artificial intelligence.