An Alternative Psychometric Tool to Measure Positive Personality Traits in Young Managers


Most research on personality traits in young business leaders is based on the Five-Factor Model. The study of personality traits, specifically among young managers, has not been approached using another tool more aligned with the foundations of PP. The Temperament and Character Inventory Revised (TCIR) based upon R.C. Cloninger biopsychosocial theory includes dimensions (Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness, Self-Transcendence) related to constructs of PP. Although TCI-R has demonstrated its validity and reliability, there are no psychometrical evidences to support reliability and validity for young managers’ population. The aim of this study is: 1) to present some preliminary results derived from the administration of TCI-R to young managers 2) to establish new norms for young managers in TCI-R so it may be used for assessment. TCI-R was administered to 868 MBA students. Tests were performed to explore internal consistency of items, facets and main dimensions of the questionnaire, and construct validity (multivariate exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis). Analysis shows similar results of validity and reliability than normative population. Having established new norms, scholars can now set up a new research line getting validity studies with other questionnaires related with positive psychology as VIA-S.

Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology