How Coaches’ Interpersonal Style Questionnaire (CIS-Q) became Physical Education Teachers’ Interpersonal Style Questionnaire (PETIS-Q)


Physical education teachers’ interpersonal style has been widely studied regarding Basic Psychological Needs support (i.e., autonomy, competence and relatedness support). A supportive interpersonal style contributes to enhance motivation and engagement towards physical education class. Contrarily, the contribution of controlling interpersonal style to thwart these basic psychological needs has been less studied. The CIS-Q incorporates three factors intended to measure thwarting of basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence and relatedness thwarting). The aim of this study is to adapt into Catalan and Spanish languages and gather validity evidence related to CIS-Q for high school students towards their physical education teachers. Participants were 595 students from 32 different classes. There were 283 girls and 312 boys between 11 and 18 years old. 375 students answered the questionnaire in Catalan and 219 in Spanish. Confirmatory factor analysis with six factors showed acceptable fit to the data in Catalan (χ2 = 350.33, df = 237, p < .001, CFI = .93 TLI = .92, RMSEA = .04) and all factors exhibited acceptable discriminant validity (maximum correlation of 0.82). Instead, in Spanish, despite the good fit to the data (χ2 = 273.97, df = 237, p =0.05, CFI = .97 TLI = .97, RMSEA = .03) the six factors model was unacceptable due to the lack of discriminant validity between support factors (values from 0.83 to 0.96). Simplified models obtained collapsing support items into a single factor showed good fit to the data in Spanish and unacceptable fit in Catalan providing additional support to the main conclusion. This study contributes to gather validity evidence for CIS-Q as an appropriate questionnaire to examine physical education teachers’ interpersonal style. Although supportive and controlling behaviors can be studied in both languages there is lack of evidence for comparability among both factor structures.

ISSP 14th World Congress Sevilla 2017